L2Create kick-off meeting

The first partner meeting of „Learn to Create – promoting Work-based Learning in Europe’s Cultural and Creative Industries“ project was organised on 2-3 April in Kurort Qultury in Zabrze by Foundation ARTeria. The meeting was attended by representatives of all partner organizations of the project: Materahub (Italy), Rinova Limited (Great Britain), Dimitra Education & Consulting (Greece), Regionalna Rozvojova Agentura Senec-Pezinok (Slovakia) and Innogate to Europe (Spain).

The overall aim of LEARN TO CREATE (L2C in short) is to design, test and validate a new work-based learning (WBL) programme in Europe’s Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs). It recognizes that the modern, creative work-place is a powerful learning environment, with the potential to make vast contributions to employment, productivity and to increase economic competitiveness. The European Commission recognizes that the cultural and creative industry sector (CCI) makes a social and economic contribution to the EU and highlights it as one of Europe’s emerging industries, especially for its dynamic and transformative role in the digital era.

L2C aims to develop a comprehensive and tailored approach to promoting WBL in the CCI sector, working directly with and providing specific support to companies and entrepreneurs from this sector, and vocational education and training (VET) teachers and trainers. L2C addresses the EU challenges of reducing youth unemployment and the adaptation of the current workforce to sustain and grow employment, thus ensuring that the developed skills of the workforce meet the needs of the future workplace.

During the meeting, we discussed issues related to the effects of intellectual work, anticipated activities, management and program principles, issues related to dissemination, monitoring, contracts with partners, timetable and even the project logo etc.

The next meeting is planned in October in Bratislava, Slovakia.