Methodological concept
Learning Curriculum
This learning curriculum is aimed at vocational teachers. It is based on the results of IO1 (Methodological concept – see above), which highlighted the competences and training needs. It contains training opportunities and tools for teachers/trainers to promote effective WBL in the CCI and prepare their students/learners for work. It also promotes the CCI and shows how entrepreneurial skills in VET can be used. It is aimed for helping students/trainers maximise their learning experience and increase their employability in one of the faster growing sectors of the EU economy.
Blended Learning Programme
This is an open learning environment that offers VET teachers a training course, including workshops, in how to use WBL effectively in the CCI sector. It also offers the outputs created under the project and facilitates communication between the stakeholders involved in WBL (e.g. teachers, trainers, students). It also includes materials for offline workshops, which could be organized locally by partners to deliver the training curriculum. The off-line and online experiences will be complementary to each other, but the online course will be able to support VET teachers even without the workshops.
Facilitators’ Guide
The Facilitators’ Guide goes with the training course for VET teachers involved in the support and promotion of WBL in CCI. It is a manual for those organizations and trainers that will deliver the blended training course to VET teachers. It can also be used by other facilitators that will interact with both VET trainers and the CCI sector in order to promote WBL. It consists of a manual that is integrated into the open online learning environment (see IO3) and provides support and information to facilitators on ways to help students engage in collaborations with business partners for promotion of WBL in CCI.
WBL Guide for employers in the CCI
This guide helps employers in the CCI sector understand how to structure WBL opportunities in their workplace and how to recruit and help learners and apprentices going through their WBL path in their company. The focus of this guide is on micro companies and freelancers, who are most commonly found in the CCI sector, but also to Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which exist in the sector and could be maybe better structured to act as hosts. The guide presents a mentoring approach to CCI employers that will be able to stimulate self-employment and entrepreneurial skills during WBL.