The Work Based Learning in CCIs: an interesting overview from the lead partner of the Intellectual Output 2.
We suggest the article “A needed step forward: Promoting Work based Learning in the CCIs at a European level” by David Garcia – from Rinova (UK), team leader of the Learn2Create Learning Curriculum:
“Our experience shows that almost every successful case from big corporations to one person brands in the CCIs It has an invisible process of both work-based learning and peer transfer of knowledge and skills. This does not permeate at the same level to the formal learning sector, the policies and the legislative context (…) The traditional mentorship existing in the Arts is that intuitive notion, almost a natural impulse we have of learning by replicating, to mimic the one we admire, particularly in arts, to finally find the “master” who you can shadow to learn throughout your journey”.
Joint staff training event – how to work together even at a distance!
From 15 to 22 January, 15 staff members of the L2C project took part in the Join Staff Training Event (JSTE). The internal training allowed them to test the Moodle platform (Intellectual Output 3) where the training course was designed based on the results collected in the Learning Curriculum (IO2). The JSTE aims to prepare the staff members for the piloting and testing phase of the course, which will involve in sum 40 participants in all 6 countries. At the link a focus by the project leader – Fundacja ARTeria – on the training that has just been closed.
Pilot course – work in progress
In the coming weeks will start the pilot courses, in the six partner countries. At the link, you can find interesting previews of the structure and contents of the training course and modules. If you are interested in participating in the pilot course, please contact the partner in your country.